Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mentally ill End Up In Texas Prisons

 This article I reas was interesting to me it talks about Mentally ill End Up In Texas Prisons The article explains that they're more people in person in jail that have mental illness and it does in psychiatric hospitals according to the news study by according to the Treatment Advocacy Center and National Sheriffs Association.

The reseachers were doing a study of person that had serious mental illness being in jail or prison as oppose to a psychiatric hospital. The assumption was that 16 percent of the country's jail and prison inmates are serious mentally ill.

The odds were over all 50 states averaged 3.2 to 1 in 2004-05 meaning that their were 3 times more people with mental illness in jails and prisons that in psychiatric hospitals.

In Texas, the odds were 7.8 to 1 in that time period the third-worst odds fot the mentally ill, folloeing Nevada and Arizona.

The only state that were odd 1 to 1 was North Dakota, meaning people with mental illness were just likely to be a psychiatric hospital as they were prisons.

The Mentally ill ended up in Texas prisons also because they're are not enough room for the inmates to be in prison so they send them to other jails and prisons. Psychiatric hospitals are no longer the place to house mostly mentally ill inmates they are housing them in jail or in prison are which takes me to another article that I was reading which was on why they're overcrowded  with mentally ill inmates in prison and jails than in psychiatric hospital.

If they is some sort of why that they can build some more centers, jails or prisons to house most of these inmates then it would not be overcrowded, but at the same time it's our tax dollars on building up more facilities for inmates that have mental illnesses and the crimes are getting worse, people are going to jail. Some don't support building facilites for these people they dont want to have to pay with our tax dollars they rather put their tax dollars on something else or keep they're tax dollars in their pocket.

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